Kunst & Design

Kunsthalle & Theater

Lydia Corbett | Sylvette David

Pages 24 + 25
Pages 24 + 25
Pages 26 + 27
Pages 26 + 27
Pages 28 + 29 - Interview Radio Bremen
Pages 28 + 29 - Interview Radio Bremen

Text in English


for TOPIC life Magazin, Bremen


Pages 24 + 25:


Lydia Corbett



portraits of Sylvette
in the months
April - June 1954
more than fifty times


As photo model Sylvette had now and then been working as Picasso discovered it for themselves. Sylvette coined in the fifties the image of a new women's type. You would also good a world famous actress can be. Brigitte Bardot is said to have "copied" her after the publicity surrounding the Picasso model the hairstyle with ponytail.


Probably it was her former shyness, which was a career as a movie star in the way. For Pablo Picasso, the nineteen year old girls meant the inspiration for some sixty works, most of which are initially issued in the Kunsthalle Bremen. Sylvette David was present at the exhibition opening, and could as a historical witness to every Picasso works her memories reveal, after all, was Sylvette David is the only person who had all their portraits ever seen together. After the three-month period of creativity Pablo Picasso offered to his muse, to choose a business. Sylvette opted for a realistic sketched portrait.


Sylvette David is called long Lydia Corbett and began at the age of forty-five years, to be himself an artist. But all their works they signed with two names. After two marriages and three children, she changed her mind on her Ambi-tion, which had been stirred up by the encounter with Picasso. He had stopped again and again for artistic creation, he has greatly influenced her life setting. Pablo Picasso went very cautiously to the restrained girl.


Nevertheless, let the famous painter, who was also known for his love affairs, no stone unturned to get his model in detail. Sylvette was taciturn gloomy due to childhood experiences and distant. Picasso feel the tender soul of unapproachable beauty, he talked a lot and she listened. His daughter, he said: "Go gently with the girls around, she is very fragile." During the meetings, said the painter no word and Sylvette looked out the window over the rooftops of Vallauris.


The desire of Picasso to be painted naked, did not want to meet Sylvette. So she was surprised when the painter showed her one morning a Sylvette portrait with bare breasts. Picasso had painted it at night from his imagination out. "In some way, I regret that I was too anxious," says Lydia today. Once more, in 1965, she visited Picasso in Mougins. It should be the last meeting.



Pages 26 + 27:

Sylvette David is born in France. She grew up in an artistic environment. Your english mother was a painter, the french father led an established gallery of contemporary art at the Champs-Élysées. The since Picasso's portraits of famous ponytail goes back to an idea of her father.

At the age of 45 years, Lydia Corbett began to paint itself. Her style waived - as with Picasso - on standards and perspective, the motives interweave human volunteers with animals, plants and minerals to blissful, but earthly harmony.


Her paintings and ceramics, so judging art connoisseur, let a new quality of naivety arise, they are far from intellectual posturing and describe dreamy, deep entanglements of emotions.

"This type allows me to turn human and other forms, such as the stem of a flower. My paintings often begin with a pen drawing ... as in a river running out of ink and when I apply the colors or syringe to mix it up with the bars and become a landscape of flowers that I have picked to vases and figurines, to fish, to angels or even a house or a boat, to a garden of life. "

Another of her passions is pottery. She experimenting and playing with glazes on pots, vases, bottles and tiles.

Lydia Corbett is represented since 1989 by the Francis Kyle Gallery, London.






Pages 28+29


Interview with Silke Henning, Radio Bremen



Foto of Lydia Corbett


"I paint the world
of flowers, figures
and people
united by lines
in a dreamy
and soluble
watercolor landscape"


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